Introducing Guided Attention

The solution for overcoming the chaos of work.

What is guided attention?

Guided attention is the practice of having one’s attention directed to the most important and relevant information and tasks with the intention to drive productivity and engagement.


Pings, dings, and distractions are causing chaos at work

Work has become chaotic. Digital workplaces are overloaded with tools, apps, and resources for communication, collaboration, and content. The result is information overload, disruptive notifications, distractions, and attention black holes – this is digital friction.  

Signs of digital friction:

  • Digital noise

  • Information overload

  • Application sprawl

  • Complex user experiences and business processes

  • Manual work processes

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The Solution

Intelligent software to guide people's attention

The Workgrid AI Assistant is software used to specifically aid in the guiding of people’s attention to the information and action items they need most to be productive and engaged.
Workgrid's guided attention technology empowers employees to focus on their work by reducing digital distractions, surfacing and granting access to information and tasks at the right time, in the right channels.

Workgrid's conversational AI platform empowers employees to focus on their work by reducing digital distractions, streamlining access to information and tasks, delivered at the right time and in the right channels.

How does Workgrid solve the key challenges of digital friction?

Workgrid frees employees from digital workplace chaos guiding their attention by consolidating information, news, data, tasks, and actions from critical enterprise systems. This enhances productivity, focus, and engagement and delivers a unified experience wherever employees work.

Reduce Context Switching

Reduce Context Switching

Workgrid surfaces the right notifications, signals, alerts, and information – wherever and whenever they're needed.

Prioritize Information Delivery

Send nudges for time-sensitive information or tasks that require awareness and action with Workgrid.

Simplify Interactions with Systems

Integrations provide on-demand access to key data, assets, and business applications.

Why guide attention with Workgrid?

Give employees a simpler work experience and guide their attention to the tasks and information that matters most.
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Reduce stress and frustration

Consolidate information, actions, processes, and tasks to help employees make better decisions and deliver higher-quality work.

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Maximize technology investments

Make it easier for employees to interact with technology and find information without extraordinary effort or friction.

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Increase engagement with communications

Surface consolidated and targeted communications directly to the right employees, at the right time, in the channels they work in.

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Modernize legacy systems

Protect against back-end tech changes by using Workgrid integrations to provide the modern tech experience employees expect.

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More on guided attention technology

Improve attention management with Workgrid.