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How Are No-Code...

How Are No-Code and Low-Code Different?

It’s easy to get confused between no-code and low-code development, especially when the terms are often used interchangeably. Here are the main points of differentiation: 

No-code development enables business technologists to develop applications using an intuitive drag and drop experience.

No-code development makes it easy for business leaders who lack any formal technical training to develop an app or integration on the fly. It offers less flexibility than it’s low-code counterpart, however. Done through a strictly WSYISWYG interface, the functionality of the components is a bit tighter and less able to be manipulated. No-code solutions hide the technical details of what’s happening behind the scenes from the users, allowing them to change or modify fields while mitigating errors that could compromise security. 

Low-code development allows traditional developers and engineers - those with coding backgrounds - to kickstart the application development process. 

Low-code enables developers and engineers to use drag and drop functionality to quickly build out the concept of their ideas and develop an application with minimal coding. Once it’s built, they can then go further to define, refine, and differentiate their app in a very granular manner. 


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